What we do and why

Our Work and Services

We are a charity and Wales leading centre for people who are homeless and sleeping rough in Cardiff.

Led by Chief Executive, Adam Rees, and our Board of Trustees, we employ specialist members of staff, who have the skills and expertise to support clients. 

Huggard has been operating since 1988 – and is based in the heart of Cardiff.  We have a Day Centre, provide emergency bed spaces and have 2 on-site hostels offering longer term accommodation.  We also operate supported housing schemes across the city.  

We provide Cardiff’s emergency accommodation for anyone facing homelessness in the city, regardless of where they are from or their situation.     

Working in partnership with Cardiff Council, the NHS, South Wales Police and other agencies, we’re open 24/7, 365 days a year.   

Our Day Centre is often the first “point of contact”.  It is a warm, safe place where a homeless person can access food, a change of clothing, laundry and washing facilities. 

Breakfast is free and lunch costs just £2.  Hot and cold drinks are also available.  The meals are prepared in our commercial kitchen by clients, who are part of our volunteering programme.  

The Day Centre is open from 8.30am until 7.30pm and is  where clients can access a range of specialist services.  

This includes support with housing matters, financial and  debt management as well as  legal issues and domestic violence.

We have onsite GP and Nurse clinics run by Cardiff and Vale Health Inclusion Service (CAVHIS) as well as Dentist sessions.

Our pioneering Harm Reduction Service is available 24/7.  

A number of staff are also trained First Responders with the Welsh Ambulance Service, providing emergency health care for the local community.  

We offer volunteering, training and work programmes. We organise diversionary activities, such as art classes, to encourage clients to engage with staff, to boost confidence and improve self-esteem.  

Our Vision

Our Vision therefore is that everyone has a safe, secure home and the opportunities and support to lead a happy, fulfilled life.

Our Mission - How do we bring this about?

What about other donations such as toiletries, clothing, sleeping bags and back packs?

If you wish to give toiletries, please make sure they are in small, “trial” or “holiday” sized containers.  People who are homeless have no-where to keep their belongings and wouldn’t be able to carry around large bottles or packages. 

We also welcome donations and what we need will vary depending on the time of year and demand.  You can see what we currently require here.

What other support do you offer people who are sleeping rough?

As we explained, people who sleep rough don’t do so out of choice.  Our specialist teams provide a range of support services and you can read about what we do and why here

Do you work with other organisations?

Yes, we work closely with colleagues in the health, third and public sectors.