Get Help

Are You at Risk of Becoming Homeless or Concerned about Someone Who Is?

We work with a number of partners including Cardiff Council’s Outreach Team, which is on the streets of the capital every day from early in the morning until late at night supporting people who are rough sleeping or at risk of homelessness.  

To let the team know about someone who is homeless in Cardiff please email​  or text ‘REALCHANGE’ to 80800, giving details of the person’s location. 

You can also contact StreetLink, which operates across Wales and England, on the Streetlink app or by calling 0300 500 0914. 

If you are homeless and normally reside in Cardiff you can contact the local authority on ​029 2057 0715 between 9am – 5pm or 029 2087 3900 if out of office hours.  The council’s Housing Options Centre can be reached on 029 2057 0750 or by emailing

If you live elsewhere in Wales please get in touch with your local council, which will be responsible for finding you somewhere to stay.

Concerned about Someone who is Missing

South Wales Police notifies us of people who have been reported missing and may be in the Cardiff area.  If the individual is in contact with us, we will make them aware that someone is concerned for them.    

Where possible, we encourage clients to keep in contact, or get back in touch, with family and friends.  However, it has to be their decision and not one we can make on their behalf.    

This is why we cannot confirm or deny that someone is in touch with us, or using our services.  We appreciate that this is very upsetting for family and friends, however, we have to abide by their wishes and maintain client confidentiality.   

If you believe that someone is using our services or visiting our Critical Intervention Centre you can write to them care of us.  Our address is on our Contact Page.  While we will pass on any post, we are unable to reply, confirm or deny that they have received it.